
I have always used Vermiculite sucessfully over the past years, and have a question:

do you think it matters as to the granule size?

Some people like the "glitter grade", some people like the larger size. I have recently come across a vendor that sells granules larger than "normal" and also granules that are much smaller.

I have tested out my incubation with both, and have found that the larger sizes do not hold as much water, nor does it clump.

The smaller type is almost like sand. Holds water almost too well.

I will post photos up soon of said granules, but my question is this:

Do you think it is that critical (or any variation to incubation) as to the size of the granules of ANY substrate that you use for incubation?

Have any of you tested different sizes of granules with any success? Different than the norm incubation substrate (not maternal, but artificial)...