First, it is very sad how any animals are treated at pet stores, but you have to realize that to them, animals are nothing more than merchandise with a difference. Instead of sitting on a shelf in a box not costing a dime to be there, animals require care and feeding. Every time an employee cleans a cage, changes water or feeds, the profit margin drops. That is the reality of petshops. Also their suppliers (if they don't breed themselves) are jobbers or mass producing breeders. The whole idea is to move inventory with minimum cost. Don't support them! Buy from a reputable breeder. There are enough quality people out their to never need to enter a pet store. Will you pay more? Probably, but you won't be disappointed in a sub-quality animal. If you buy from a pet store, you might just be getting a wc animal, possible spending more in vet bill to clean it up then you would have spent originally on a quality animal from a good breeder.
