I told myself I wouldn't do it, but I did anyways. I let my family down, and most of all, myself down.

Guys, I'm addicted.

...To Reptiles *teeheehee*

While out for crix today at a local pet store, I saw that they had a 10gal. sitting there, full of different lizards. A few red line skinks, a few golden geckos... After a few minutes of looking, I went to the owner/worker and told her off a bit about how things were set up, and the fact that they had all of theze lizards lumped together, not even of the same family! She said she'd take care of it as soon as possible. Good, but not good enough. After walking past the tank again on the way out, I saw something, in the back. Upon closer inspection, it appeared to be a female Tokay gecko, around 8 inches long. The poor thing was so skinny, so malnourished looking... I had to get it out of there.

And I'm sure as hell glad I did.

Meet [insertnamehere] (sorry for the :cens0r::cens0r::cens0r::cens0r:ty pic, once again).

Oh yeah, cos I know I'll be asked, she's in a 30gal on nespaper/coconut fiber. Her temps are at 79 right now and climbing, and humidity at around 60 and climbing. I've got some plastic plants and a little log hide in there, along with her dish.

AHH!! I'm in love!