It's been sticky-fied!

Very nice write-up, Chris! And good answers to the questions that are bound to come your way. Yes, the set up is a bit out of the norm...but that's just "norm" as tends to define it. There are so many ways to keep these little beauties that will work just fine.

I think what we really need to focus on teaching people is how to be aware of the needs of their animal and how to watch its behavior to understand if those needs are being met or not...and then to be willing to tweak the environment to make sure those needs are met.

The only thing I would add to THIS discussion about THIS to remind people that a rheostat is only really effective at maintaining proper temps when it's in a room that has a steady ambient temp. If your room temps swing 10 degrees between day and night...the UTH temps will as well. Just something to be aware of.