Had the camera out today and one of my beautiful gals just had her pre laying shed. I have been teaching myself to use Paint shop pro so I did a resize to make it a reasonable size pic with out loosing resolution to much and fooled around with the edges. You can see she is a bit distended as she is very gravid. I am thinking I am going to have some B-E-A-utiful babies this winter.

For those that have been following the dialog her about the confusion between Fuliginosus, Capensis and Maculatus that gal above is a classic Maculatus as are most (definitely not all) red house snakes that are currently being imported from Tanzania and Somalia. You can see the classic tell of the solid eye-lines that have no break between them and the body pattern.

Anyway this is going to be a great batch of little ones, right now my stud male "Cash" (pictured below) is taking a break from his breeding duties and will be spending next week with another of these beautiful gals. Cash has a rough life huh?