I made a last minute decision to drive up to Austin for the expo this weekend....just for the chance to get away and relax and hang out with friends. It was really nice. I didn't take tons of pics, but here's some fun ones that I got that turned out nice.

Cutie-patootie Beardies...

One of the coolest snakie shots I ever got! This little orange ghost wanted to crawl into my purse and come home with me SO badly!!! But....I had to give him back to Chris. Someday, though.....such a little sweetie!

And lastly, my two buds that allowed me to tag along and hang out with them at their table! Thanks guys! It was really great seeing you two and I can't wait to see ya again!!! (Mike-mpenn and Chris-cueball)

Should be lots more pictures and more friends in Houston!! Can't wait to meet some new BP.netters, too!