Quote Originally Posted by wolfy-hound
He said that the site was owned by "another breeder" not a giant money-hungry breeder, or anything else negative.
The issue wasn't that anyone was being insulted, but the fact that it's flat-out wrong to say that a "breeder in this industry" (meaning someone that breeds ball pythons on a large scale and makes a profit by selling them) owns this site, when the truth of the matter is completely different. If Allen (or anyone else) wants to insist that anyone who speaks about them get their facts right...then I would expect them to do the same for those they speak about.

I'd like to know what's so insulting about that comment, when the rest was complimentary?
And for the record, like many others, when I first joined, I assumed that Adam Wydoski owned the site, only because he's on here a lot, his ad was up top, and I saw his posts and pictures. Once I was here a while, I realized different, but I've also seen other people come on and refer to this site as "Adam's site" and such. It's not a huge insult.
I never said anything was insulting. He complimented the site...and I do appreciate that. However...if someone is going to toss out compliments, it kind of sucks if they give credit to the wrong party....dont'cha think?