Hey, here's some shots of Moggie in my front yard in the sunshine. She's my Blackthroat monitor.

Here she is telling me what she thinks of her leash,

Here I am holding her, yes, I have no hair now, that's why the do-rag, I don't want a sunburned scalp.

And finally, one shot of her walking around just before she tailwhacked the poo out of my leg, OWIE! Good lizard!

So there she is, and she's now back in her pen soaking in her water bin, and planning her revenge for the picture taking trama. She'll probaly whack me a few more times in a few minutes when I go out to feed her mice. THen she'll be in a better mood after eating.
Hope all enjoy them! Any ideas of male or female, please post/pm/passenger pigeon. Currant votes say 3.9 or translated 3 people say male, while 9 people voted female.
Grins! I love her! She's so gorgeous!