one of my cats, phoebie, has horrible dandruff. she always has to some extent but it tends to come and go. she is such the little princess--sensitive to everything, and i think even stress makes her dandruff flare. she sees the vet once a year for shots and a checkup, at which time he takes blood to check her liver/kidneys/etc. and this always comes back fine.

i noticed today that her dandruff is flaring again so i started to comb her, at which point i realized this is the worst, most ridiculous, case she has ever had. she's a black cat, and by the time i finished combing her it looked like an entire container of baby powder had been poured over her. there have been no changes in her diet, laundry detergents, litter, or anything else new or different lately that i can think of that would have caused this latest flare.

i have tried different shampoos and supplements, some of which seemed to help at the time, some not, but it always comes back. is there something that i can give her continuously in order to help remedy the dander issue? she doesn't act like her skin in itchy or sensitive, it's just SO flaky. i read a few places that supplementing with fatty acids, like fish oil and omega 3 a few times a week is helpful and i think i'm going to give that a try. does anyone else have any suggestions?