Quote Originally Posted by lord jackel
For me the surprise is seeing it on KS...not really sure Ralph or Kara (or any big breeder who might spend this kind of money) really hunt the want ads looking for a $100,000 snake...maybe I am wrong. Also, as cool as the Banana is it doesn't make much sense as a business venture on its own (to your point the all eggs in one basket)...as part of a much larger breeding business sure...but then you are talking about million dollar businesses and how many of those are out there...only a couple maybe?
True, that is a stretch. But that goes to the ever-growing population of breeders that seem to think they don't need a web site. I have a name for them, but it isn't appropriate for this forum .

But I agree, there's a select few that could afford a $100,000 snake, and none of them are going to buy a Banana for that price. Trades? I could see that, but I have yet to see any of the major breeder journals going whacky of the Banana. It's pretty easy to assume that all the major breeders have their own projects going on right now. Will is small fries... Ralph, Greg, Kara (et al) are frequently getting offers for abnormal WC's, and I'd venture to guess that's where in their going to invest their money, as opposed to investing in an animal that Will has a 6 year head start.

Banana's are cool, but man... there are WAY too many cool morphs to qualify spending $100,000. If I had that kind of money to blow, I'd be buying up Clowns, Butters, Lessers and a TON of other snakes... not one.