Quote Originally Posted by tigerlily
I was fortunate enough to volunteer at a wildlife rehab center. I loved the work more than I can say. Most of my experience is with feeding and holding for vet checks, although I did get to give a couple shots. I had to work my way up from Robins, crows, and various other birds to the raptors. My first experience was with a Great Horned Owl, and I was amazed at how light they were. Not to mention I thought she was going to take off with me. Very impressive animals.
Christie, that is great. Do you still work with them? I know what you mean about taking off with you. These birds are very powerfull.

It is amazing how agile they are once in flight. here is a picture of a red tail i flew this year. this was her first free flight ...

Birds of prey are amazing animals, thye have adapted to survive millions of years. They truley touch my life everyday. I really am fortunate to be able to do what I do