i have 2 cats, both of which are on frontline. two days ago i treated both and last night started noticing a lot of hair on the floors, some of it in clumps like it had been pulled out. i figured they must be wrestling more than usual or something--checked both kitties out and they seemed fine. this morning phoebie has a big bald spot on the back of her neck where i put the frontline and a big raw spot rubbed across it from her collar. i always remove their collars when i put the frontline on and leave them off for about 24 hours just to let the frontline soak in, so i had replaced her collar last night. nigel's neck seems fine--no rawness or bald spots.

both have always been treated with frontline, but the last two treatments before this one were advantage because i needed it in a hurry and it was available immediately whereas i would have to have waited for the frontline. neither cat has ever had a problem with the frontline before. is it possible that phoebie developed the sensitivity out of the blue or maybe it has something to do with the advantage? it was 33 days between the frontline treatment and the last advantage treatment.

poor phoebie's neck looks awful. i removed her collar and put triple antibiotic ointment on the raw spot. should i switch her to something besides frontline or perhaps use less of it? her hair is rather thin compared to most cats--she isn't fluffy and doesn't have lots of hair. i always notice that nigel's hair soaks the frontline right up but i have to kind of spread it out on phoebie's neck because she just doesn't have enough hair to absorb it all in one small area. this of course means the raw spot she has now is rather large. my poor baby!