So I thought a dimmer was gonna do the trick for me but I went to sleep with the warm side being 96 degrees and the cool side being about 81.3 degrees. so i figured all was well. Right before I called it a night Max climbed out of his water dish, previous post was me saying he likes to sit in there at night (getting him checked for mites tonight when I have him sex'd), and actually went into the hide on the cool side. This is the first time I have ever seen him use the cool side hide. So I took a shower and when I came back he moved over to the warm side hide, this made me really happe cause hes comfortable with his cage enough to move around.

Well, apprently in the middle of the night the heat got shut off. so my room got really freakin cold. Cool side temps droped to 77 degrees and warm side temps dropped to 88.9 degrees, but he was still sitting in his hide on the cool side. I turned the heat lamp on, was only using the UTH, to get the warm side back up to where it supposed to be, but im fed up with trying to get these temps to work so im just getting a thermostat, a dimmer just cant cut it.

My question is, how does a thermostat work? So I plug both my CHE and my UTH into the thermostat? With the CHE off my humidity is actually stable and is exsistant! I turn the CHE on and BAM! humidity goes bye bye. If i plug both into a thermostat and set it to 95 degrees will it turn both on and off at different times to maintain the 95 degrees? or will it keep one on and turn one on and off as its needed? If i have both the CHE and the UTH on at the same time with no dimmer temps spike really high, to about 104 degrees. with just the UTH on I was able to get temps to stay at 95 degrees as long as the temp in my room didnt change, which it did, so that got all fubar. Do BP's really need a CHE or as long as the bedding on the warm side is 95ish degrees they are fine, or do they have to have a light to "bake" under? I really dont want to use my CHE any more cause with it, i cant hold humidity at all, without it humidity is a piece of cake. Ill be picking up a thermostat so that his warm side is stable regardless of what my room temps are. Just not sure how they work when they have both a CHE and a UTH plugged into it. Sorry again for the post, sure you all are sick of my post, but I keep trying your alls suggestions, some dont agree with others, and some suggestions work, some dont. Hopefully this will be my last post about how to get this freakin puzzle solved.

Again, as always, thanks in advance, cause you all freakin rock and without this site I would be completely lost and my snake would have a miserable home. This site has helpped me greatly to making the perfect home for him. (if when I have him sex'd tonight and i find out its a girl, im gonna feel really weird, lol)