We have some more, and will post them on the website in a few days, but I didn't have time to resize them all just yet.
First up, DP Enterprises awsome 66% Poss. Het VPI Axanthic.

One of VPI's Ivory Blood adults

A Caramel Albino Black Sumatran from VPI.

One of Mike Wilbanks Red Line Hypos from the Czeck Republic. He had five. I love these things.

A Striped Sinaloan from Bob Applegate. He also has some Striped Albinos, but didn't have them with him(only pictures).

Last but definitely not least, most of the BP.net crew, hanging out in our room until about 2am on Saturday night. Not pictured, Sarah aka SarahMB and hubby and Mike aka MPenn. Those two had children and had to get home. Don't worry we drank enough for us and them.

D aka Rapture, Curry(sp?) was not feeling well

Chris aka Cueball and TaLisa aka MommaT

Becky aka SatanicIntentions and Laura aka Laooda

Thanks for the great time everybody, and hopefully next time we can have an even better turn out from the BP.netters. (including Stangs)