Hey, all

Well, yesterday I got my Ultratherm heat pat and Herpstat and I set them up, with "hides" (a couple of plastic storage containers for stand-ins), a water bowl, Accurite, and some newspaper (for substrate). I'm currently at home (not at my apartment at school), so the test-run here wouldn't count as my week-long one once I get back--I mostly wanted to see how the heat pad/thermostat would do.

For reference, I'm using a Sterilite tub 28qt with dimensions 23"L x 16 3/4"W x 5 7/8"H (1956 model).

I bought the 11" x 6" heat pad, thinking that the 6" would be appoximately 1/3 of the length of the tub... aaand today, after leaving it to sit, I'm thinking I went too small.

The Ultratherm pad also has a heat limit: "These pads are regulated, because of low wattage, to stay between 65 and 95F (depending on exterior temperature) thereby eliminating the need for a thermostat." (The Bean Farm's quote).

I had placed the probe inside the tub through a soldered hole, so I could see if the pad could get the hot side up to temp.

I checked it all yesterday and today and the readings have bounced around on the hot side, but have been sitting tonight at 88.3 and the cool side is at 71... The thermostat hasn't been "green light"ed once--usually red or orange. And the Thermostat and the Accurite, though the probes are placed right next to one another, have a two-degree difference in the heat measurement.

Basically, I'm wondering what I should do for a heating source to replace the one I have. I think what I've got is too small, and because of the Ultratherm's heat cap (tops out at 95), It could make me unable to keep correct temperatures, depending. I plan on taping my probe to the heat source instead of inside of the enclosure, so I need to be able to play with whatever the heat differential is... so I'm thinking I should order Flexwatt. I'm not sure what size I should get to provide an adequate hot side and thermal gradient.

After all that long-windedness, I would just like to know if:

a> I should replace Ultratherm heat pads with Flexwatt, as their heat cap might prove problematic
b> What size heat pad I should use for the above sized enclosure

I'm hoping to bring my baby home the first or second week of February, so I'd like to get the new heat source delivered soon and begin testing it when I get back to my apartment next week

Thank you in advance for any advice you have in regard to my setup/heat pad questions.