Here's Mark's tank.. though we both do maintenance on it. It houses two adult Oscars, five clawed frogs, a redfin cichlid (always forget his latin name..) one livingstoni cichlid, a syndontis cat, an otto algae eater, an unidentified catfish and two plecos. Now, many people on many aquarium forums would decry our tank and say it is overcrowded, or the species are incompatible.. I have had this tank running for years with no casualties. A few large goldfish I had in here were getting nipped up, and I moved them to another tank. So here's the tank. Sorry the overvoew pic is blurred; my camera does that when I turn the flash off..??
I have to add, the Livingstoni is my pride and joy. I raised him from an inchlong tiny thing, to the 6 inch beast he is now! (he is brown/white, near the right side of tank.)
Sorry Aleesh; I tried like heck to get a pic of Stealth the pleco, but he would not show his face.

Midsize pleco and MooMoo Frog

MooMoo again with Oscars "White Thing" and "Fred." (Mark named them, lol.) Sadly, Fred came to us with Hole-in-Head; it has stayed the same since we got him, doesn't seem to be clearing up nor getting worse.. we keep this tank clean though, running a cannister Marineland filter in addition to a HOB Marineland 2-chamber rated for a 75g.