Quote Originally Posted by Regal Boids
The snakes are no longer for sale and I doubt someone on here would buy them anyways because I am a minor. Now I wish I would have waited until I was atleast 18 to do any business or try to conduct any.
Do not pull the "age card" with me Andre! That's disrespectful to every member here under age 18 and we have quite a few that are wonderful herpers. If nothing else, we've all given you more than enough leeway in consideration of your age, not penalized you for it! People have helped you, defended you but you don't get a free pass either (none of us do). I'm 45 years old, Andre and if I was pulling this stuff....you'd bet I would deserve to be told off privately and publically. I've been one of those that worried about you, spents many hours in AIM while you asked questions that you should have already done your research on and been very patient with you for the most part.

Do not play the injured child with me. I may be seven kinds of fool somedays but I'm a mother of 4 and I know when I'm being fed the "feel sorry for me" line. It's far better Andre if you learn from this stuff, realize you stepped over a serious line, apologize truthfully for it and go forward hopefully wiser for the whole experience.