i was changin the newspaper to my blood's home and i noticed that it was rather...humid/moist to the point there was some vapor on the inside of the glass.i didnt think much and just dried the water vapor.i picked up my blood and "inspected her" and i saw something that troubled me....i saw that her belly was rather "softer(normally it's a bit dry)" than normal.most of her belly was creamish-looking and her tail was looking creamish looking as well.normally i would think she's getting ready to shed(for the 1st time with me!) but what troubled me was that her eyes weren't clouded like i normally see on my BP.does the underside of the body turn creamish and then the eyes,or should everything turn creamish at once? i noticed this only on her belly and tail, the top part(along the back) looks normal to me.
also...she HASNT eaten for me since i got her back in october.do they normally stop eating before shedding? i dont think so because my BP eats a few days before he sheds.even if she is shedding,maybe that would explain why she hasnt eaten? temperature is about 85 degrees or so and humidity is about 75-80 degrees.