Well someone dumped off a bunch of cats down where I work at now... and well as you can guess there are now a lot of kittens.


Yesterday it was raining all day long and I was not about to go "cat catching". This morning it was raining but stopped for a little while. I took that time and said "forget your paper work" and run over and feed all the cats. So I got over there and of course all the cats & kittens are running around waiting for me to put the food bowls down for them. I let them eat for a few minutes, then I crept up behind the one kitten I really like and grabbed it. OH MAN! That little one let out the loudest scream I've ever heard from a kitten! It promptly bit my finger right after, not bad but still hurt a little (I cleaned my hands REALLY good with soap and sanitizer). So I hurried back on over to my work building and stuck it in the cat carrier with some food and water. Finished up all my paper work and left around 3:30. Stopped at Petsmart on the way home got a litter pan, some litter, some kitten food, flea & tick shampoo, and some toys for it.

Came home, took a few pictures of the dirty little thing then gave it a bath. It was not pleased at all. It had soooo many fleas it was sickening! I washed it off good then repeated with the flea and tick shampoo again. Dried it off the best I could and sat it on my bed where it found a comfy spot and is now sleeping. Poor thing! Thank god it will never see the out door world again, nor will it ever have to live a horrible life like it was. I know this kitten is stressed out right now, but I know it feels a lot cleaner, better, and is sleeping on a soft bed in a warm/dry house!

I'm not sure if it's a male or female, but I'll find out on Monday after it's vet appointment.