Why, TWO pet Laughing Kookaburras, of course!!!! (If you're unfamiliar with the famous "kookaburra laugh" click here)

We've had our male - "Sydney" - since October 05, and he's just the coolest non-psitaccine bird one could hope for. He's a hand raised yearling who thinks I'm his mum, and most days he'll call to me when I koo-aaah at him.

Today we got "Bindi" a 10-week-old female...she's sitting next to me as I type, and just did her laughing call when I played the sound file that's linked above...pretty cute for a little gal, and very fiesty at this point (in other words, anything that fits in her mouth is fair game, fingers included)!

Hopefully this time next year Syd will be madly in love with Bindi...in the mean time we sort of get the feeling she's the "little sister's best friend who's a pest for now, but may be cool someday..."

"WTF is that little fluffy thing?!?!?"

"Are you my mommy?"

"Come one step closer kid & I'll eat your head!"

"Told you so!!!!!" (Kooks beak-wrestle for dominance...this was just prior to them trying to chomp each other).

Anyway...the future goal is to have a family group of 5-6 of these birds, since they're extremely social animals, and a ton of fun to interact with.

