The BBs are settling in nicely, and Neptune had TWO big surprises for us today, both of which I had the honor of witnessing myself! He's been peeking out the last couple of days just to make sure all was in order, taking a sip, then vanishing into the darkness again. He's our Loch Ness Monster.


Then while I was on the phone with my grandma trying to explain why snakes are cool, he came all the way out and started cruising around! Then, after he got his whole long self out of the hide and soaked just a bit he gave a giant poo!! Holy crap, I've heard that what the bigger snakes can turn a rat into is unholy but... wow! Now I know Whew! I now understand why getting pooped on is BAD. lol! I've never seen my other boys do it, and thus far it's always been way smaller too when I find it. Big stinky prezzie!

So here I was being all impressed with that... when he starts to shed!!! No wonder the boy's so grumpy! Sharing a cage, hungry, and in shed. Poor guy! Well he appears to be feeling MUCH better now, did lots of cruising, and as soon as he retired we cleaned up after his adventures.

Poo and shed in one pic!

Here's how long his shed was, please ignore my pjs thanks!

Neptune has had QUITE a day!! My grandmother also couldn't believe she was having a conversation -asking questions even- about snake poo. lol!

Ma-tsu meanwhile was making do with the temp hide and basically posing for us being all gorgeous and such. What a diva!

When we put her new hide in, she decided to burrow to it like Bugs Bunny after a long lounge at her water bowl. Silly snake!

We saved Neptune's poo and I'm gonna call the vet and see about getting a fecal. I called it a fiscal exam when talking to Karen, freudian slip there All in all, so far so good I think.