I have a snake, but know nothing about keeping lizards. And I would like to get a lizard that is easy to take care of. I know I'm going to sound very fussy about this, but I don't want to end up getting a lizard that requires more than I can provide for it.
Can anybody recommend a lizard that:

  • Can live happily in a glass tank, 24in long, 12in wide, and 18in high.
  • Doesn't eat things like mice, frogs, etc. Bugs and veggies and fruits are fine.
  • Is quite slow-moving and easy to handle (claws not too sharp, etc).
  • Doesn't bite.
  • Doesn't require special heating or cooling. (It'll be kept indoors, and I live in Thailand)
  • Doesn't usually give too much trouble with it's health. (I don't know/ wouldn't trust any herp vets around here.)
  • Doesn't not cost a bomb to buy/ maintain.
  • Is not poisonous. Heh.


Like I said, I know I sound soooo fussy, but I really want a liz that can fit the above description. I don't care what it looks like. If anyone can name a/a few lizards that would be well suited to picky ol' me, I'd be REALLY thankful.