Hey guys! I snapped some pics of this guy really quickly last night when I got home. Unfortunately, I have a crazy bunch of stuff to unpack from Christmas, so I didn't get many. But, I wanted to give you a quick look, anyway. So, here you go:

Nice head shot:

A little blurry, but shows the nice colors on his tail:

Another head shot. You can see he has very little speckling on his back. He's going to be very pretty when he grows up.

I got this one to show the nice pink on his sides. But you can also see his jaw, how it's a little mis-aligned.

Tried to get pics of the kink, but, honestly, it's so small, it's really hard to take. I'm still trying to figure things out with this new cam, so I'm sure you'll be seeing a lot of this little guy (and all the others) here in the next few weeks. Hope you like him, and hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas!