Well Daniels having way better luck then I am.

Our first attempt at breeding feeder mice is a bust thus far. Our one female had only 4 living babies (2 we found dead at birth). They were born July 18th and did really well. We even saw them starting to stumble around a bit yesterday and the day before.

Well for some reason today they are all dead. They weren't chewed on or had any obvious wounds. They only odd thing is they were all very deep down in the bedding and completely covered by it and the mother and another female were laying on top of the bedding. It's as if the baby mice smothered to death or something????

Could it be I had too deep a layer of bedding in there for the babies as they started to explore outside the nest or what? I'm baffled as they all died overnight. One was very runty so I'd expected it not to make it but the other 3 seemed very robust.

Hopefully the male has been busy and all 3 females are pregnant as this mouse breeding idea isn't going all that well though I did read that first litters are often lost for one reason or another.

Daniel what is it you are using for bedding in your pics of your mother mice and their litters?
