Hi all,

looking for some advice here.

My BP has been perfect to this point. She eats well, responds well to handling, had a few sheds, etc.

Yesterday morning, three times in about an hour I heard a loud sound coming from her enclosure. We recently added a waterfall to increase humidity, although it's still only 40-45% (she has lived like this since September without any adverse effects of the lower humidity - even her shedding has been no issue). At first I thought the sound was the waterfall running low on water, as it almost sounded like air caught in the pump. It stopped and I just ignored it.

Tonight, she is sitting on top of her hide, and as I looked at her, heard the sound again. It's definitely her, looks like a cough or sneeze.

There is no foaming or bubbles near her mouth. She doesn't appear to be in any distress. If anything, she's more active than normal, exploring where usually she stays in her hide. No star gazing. She is adding weight constantly (she's just under a year old). She is eating well. Her tongue is flicking often.

I see zero signs of anything to be concerned about, other than this loud sound she is occasionally making.

Should I be concerned, or is this somewhat normal?

Thanks all,
