My ball has always loved going inside cardboard tubes and towel rolls, but I now believe he has out grown them considering this and a previous incident the other day where he struggled to fit. As he was trying to go through, I could hear him struggling a bit because his breathing was audible. I couldn't pull him out because I didn't want to injure him. As he was going through, I was holding near him back end to support him because he was exiting the tube and going into his enclosure. As he was going through, I felt some release of something inside him. It felt like a fart on the inside of his body. This was not near his vent or a hole, it was a few inches lower than his thickest part (he's ~40 inches).
Did he burst an organ or break something trying to get out of the tube? Was it just the passage of gas/food? I feel like such a fool. I unwrapped the remaining towels and ripped it open as fast as I could. He is moving around and seems fine now but I'm afraid that I've gravely injured him. Should I run to the vet?