Hey all, I’m guessing this must be a pretty rare occurrence since I literally can’t find any info about it on the web. Today I checked up on my 11 month old banana clown BP, and took him out to hang out and explore a bit. When I removed him from the enclosure I noticed a good sized brown spider ON HIM! I nearly dropped him, but managed to set him down fairly gently on the ground. The spider took off and I don’t think it bit him in that moment.

i eventually was able to catch the spider and confirmed that it was indeed a brown recluse. We live in a wooded area so it’s not too uncommon to find spiders of all sort around our property, but in his enclosure?!? So scary!!

I’m not sure how long the spider was in there (i only handle him about once a week) but I don’t think he got bit, and currently he’s acting pretty normal. I haven’t noticed any abnormalities in his appearance either. I inspected him thoroughly a few times now. The exotic vet in our town is closed so I’m looking for some advice. If he were to get bit by this recluse, what should I be looking for? Was this spider trying to eat my snake?! (( Can spiders like this even bite snakes, and is their venom an issue for my ball?

Any information would be very much appreciated.