Hey, haven’t posted on here in a while but I had a weird occurrence that I need help with. So I’ve had my BP for 2.5 years now and he’s never once missed a meal except for last week. It was weird bc he was circling cage like he was hungry (which isn’t common) and when I tried to feed he showed a lot of interest but just wouldn’t strike. I waited a week (today) and today when I went go check on the rat I left out to thaw the ziplock bag was filled with blood. I have never seen this, but not wanting to waste another rat, I took rat out, rinsed off blood, but then I noticed there was a good sized hole on his neck and there was no blood left in him. I’m also concerned because this rat is from a new package and I hope the rest don’t have this same hole. Anyway, I attempted to feed and he took it! But I still have questions: has anyone ever experienced these holes or blood pools from their rats? Is it okay I fed him bloodless rat? If the rest have holes in them is there anything I can do to where he can still eat them? Anything else I should know? Rats were from big cheese rodents. Thanks for any help!

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