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Last night I noticed some new spots on my BP's belly pictured here: which I believe might be early/minor scale rot though there are quite a few of these smaller spots. I see no redness, raised scales, or blisters, just these "chips" and brown edges. This came as a surprise to me as I, if anything, have been struggling to keep humidity up. With the changing seasons, lately I get 55% humidity aside from when I mist his enclosure in the afternoon when he's asleep. From my research I read that this might also come from scale trauma due to rough surfaces in the enclosure, but he hasn't had any issues with any of his decor since being in this setup for about a year now. I was hoping someone may be able to tell me if this is in fact scale rot??

In precaution I purchased some Betadine 5% spray last night and did my first soak with him, which he absolutely hated. I put him in some warm water with the Betadine and let him soak for 20 mins. The 10:1 ratio I was reading online produced some VERY dark water, a far cry from the "light tea" look I was seeing elsewhere so I diluted it to somewhere in between. I then dried him off with a towel. Going through the process, despite all my reading, I did have some questions if this does turn out to be scale rot:

1) Dilution. As mentioned a 10:1 water to Betadine turned out very dark. I'm also using a 5% Povidone-iodine version of Betadine which complicates things more. What's the right dilution for my 5% Betadine? He's already turned pretty yellow after one soak somewhere in between.

2) Soak time/frequency. I have read soak times anywhere from 5 minutes to 30 minutes as frequent as once every 2 days to twice a day. What's with the large gaps? How often should he be soaking and for how long?

3) Drying him off. I followed instructions that said to just dry him off with a towel, but others say to rinse him with clear water after. What's better, towel or rinse first?

4) Neosporin. Once again, some information says that Neosporin is a beneficial topical antibiotic to help, but other sources say that since it's oil-based it can cause more complications with scale rot. Is there any truth to that? If I'm applying Neosporin do I need to take any other precautions such as offering him water under supervision to prevent accidental ingestion via accidental Neosporin in the water if he decides to go through it?

5) Treatment duration. I understand that I should be treating him as such for 2-3 weeks and then by the time he sheds he'll have started to replace the damaged areas. Is this timeline correct? He should be due to shed soon. Regardless, is 2-3 weeks of treatment sufficient?

Today I plan on sterilizing his enclosure as a further precaution and setting him up on newspaper. He'll also have any rough decor removed and I'll revisit what goes back in after he's healed. I'm going to continue what I'm doing until I get responses. Until then, thanks for your support and guidance.