My wife is getting me my first ball python for my birthday next week. I ordered one of Mike Wilbanks' AP Cages to start her out in until she's a little bigger and I can put her in a 4'x2'x2' without her being overwhelmed by the size of her enclosure. It has the 3" heat strip all along the back of the enclosure, but I wasn't sure if that would be a big enough heat pad for her so I also got her a 6"x8" heat pad for belly heat to cover a 9"x8" spot in the corner and I plan on getting her a Pro Heat radiant heat panel as soon as possible for that side of the enclosure. My question is––do you guys put the water bowl on the warm side or the cool side? And since the entire back has a heat strip would you recommend not using the 3" heat strip at all so that she can have a truly dedicated warm side and cool side or is it okay to put the water bowl on top of the heat strip just as long as it's not under the radiant heat panel?