1 thing i like to do with majority of my snakes (minus my AP becuz obvi) is to provide big water sources where they can not only soak in but also can move around a bit and “swim” - which my BCC + BP loves to do in particular and i would like to carry forward this into the future 6 foot enclosures however i am having difficulty in figuring out just how to accomplish this - idk how, for example, a paludarium would work in most of the PVC enclosures I’ve seen that don’t have a lot of bottom height, if that makes sense and i haven’t really been able to find big bowls large enough to accommodate what my BCC, scrub, (and potentially future dwarf retic) will be - I’ve thought about making something because it would seem way easier and cost effective but I don’t quite know what sculpting material to go with and also i am limited to your standard oven temps; i don’t have access to any kilns or anything so anybody have any ideas?