A while back I bought a female ball python listed as a "pastel bongo". I was fairly new to owning ball pythons and going through the morphs and learning about all of them, but I knew right off the bat that she didn't look bongo to me. Several breeders agreed that she definitely doesn't appear to be bongo at all, but none can agree on what else she may be aside from obviously the pastel. I've gotten responses stating maybe she is pastel enchi which I usually can spot super easily but with her I am just not sure. I've had others say just pastel, some say disco pastel, and a few others. What are your thoughts? It's nagging at me because her blushing is very prominent (yes i know this CAN happen with single gene pastel but ive seen it rarely.) And she just seems different than the pastels I've seen in person and on MM. Thoughts?? Bare with me while I figure out how to insert pics of her 🤣