I tried several methods to get a poo sample from our Japanese rat snake. I tried putting him in water, as well as putting him in a bigger tub with just paper towels, for part of the day over two days, and he didn't do a poop for me. We even drove him around in the car a while (over 30 minutes) before taking him to the vet. Eventually, we brought him to the vet and they like, squeezed some out of him (which I'm sure was fun for our young snake). Unfortunately, they didn't test him for crypto even though that was the entire purpose of me bringing him there (I told them this a day in advance and they said they would, but what can you do). They even said they have never tested for that before, wtf. They are going to look into it, but there are no other vets in my area anywhere near competent with reptiles. So, that was a waste of my time.

But anyway, do any of you have a good method to get a fecal sample? The problem is, they said it needs to be within an hour old, so I can't just bring one once I see him poop. I have been tracking when he poops versus when he eats, and this was the correct amount of days afterwards; I think he just doesn't want to poo outside of his enclosure?

(btw, this is just a routine fecal for his quarantine checkup. He has no outward signs of illness or anything. But, I don't want to hear from people who never take their snake to a vet or are going to tell me testing isn't needed. This topic isn't for you, lol.)