People always say “the later you feed, the more success you’ll have. This makes sense, but what people also say to do is feed when they’re still in their hide but awake. This is impossible to do because my little guy comes out at 8 every day. I have my lights set to turn off at 8 as well. For the past couple of feedings I just wait until about 5 minutes after the lights turn off (he’s usually poking his head out by then) then I offer and he eats. Sometimes he’ll poke out earlier while the lights are still on, and if he does this, I just feed earlier. Should I be feeding this early, or should I wait until later, even if he’s in a random spot out in the open in his enclosure? He hasn’t missed a meal yet, but I want to know what’s best and what will guarantee the best results for when he does go off feed.

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