Hello everyone! I recently had a clutch shed and as the babies were in the egg one of them looked odd. Now that it has shed I am a bit confused by its appearance and don't know exactly what it is. The pairing was Enchi Fire x Mojave Pastel. I will post some pictures of him with his clutch mates, solo and a comparison with a Normal. Hopefully one of you see something I don't.

The one in front is the one in question.

Solo picture... Look at how dark the black is

Comparison with a Enchi clutchmate

Comparison picture with a Normal from another clutch

As you can see he is definitely different. I know he isn't a single gene Pastel, Mojave, Fire or Enchi. His black on his dorsal is jet black and side pattern looks dirty. Not the best lighting. But hopefully one of you with more experience can help me out