My first ever clutch was from a pairing of 2 BELs; the female is a super lesser and the male is a lesser mojave. These two have been bred in the past (not by me) and had healthy clutches. I got 8 eggs and set them up in a Cserpents incubator. My egg box was shoebox size, I used vermiculite with egg crate on top, press and seal and the lid. Temp was a steady 90 degrees and humidity in the egg box was 99%. I rarely opened the incubator, just to put in new clutches and to change the press and seal every 2-3 weeks. The first baby pipped at day 57 and came out of the egg the next day, a healthy 63g female. The rest of the eggs didn't pip and a few started to mold a bit but overall looked good. I decided to cut the rest today (day 63) and the remainder of the clutch were very deformed and 2 were still alive which I had to euthanize. Needless to say very upsetting and heartbreaking. Any ideas as to what went wrong? Any input is appreciated. Thanks