I have had my retic for a little over a year. He is in his 3rd enclosure, and will be in his 4th when it comes in (company I use is slow, I’m sure y’all know who!) but his current enclosure seems to be big enough. Problem is he is pushing against the glass hard and often. So much that he is hurting himself. His mouth looks like it’s starting to swell. I am feeding what I think is more than enough (large rat weekly) but 2 days after eating he starts pushing again! His cage is kept clean, and he always has fresh water. Temps (90 hotspot and ambient temps in mid to upper 70’s) and humidity (about 60-70%) are good. I have started to just let him out when it starts, and when I have him out I apply some antibiotic ointment to his mouth, and let him crawl around and explore for 30 minutes or so. I get that sometimes retics are just like this, but I don’t want him injured. Any ideas on stopping it, or anything different to treat his mouth?

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