Quote Originally Posted by Bogertophis View Post
Just excited & eager to get going, but yeah, you need to be less impulsive, otherwise "when you decide in haste, you're likely to regret at leisure".

But you can also modify clean cardboard boxes (even cardboard oatmeal cartons) to use for hides in the meantime, & just toss them when they get wet or dirty. Snakes don't care what it's made of, they just care that hides give them privacy. I use a box-cutter to cut doorways in cardboard all the time. Most of my snakes have permanent hides, but some are using cardboard for various reasons, & with no "complaints" btw. They may not look as nice but you can't beat the price- free! Some people also modify plastic bowls or plant pots for use as hides too. And with minimal skills you can make them out of wood & various other materials too.
I'd like to think I'm not terribly impulsive... It's not something I did on a whim, I've been carefully considering new hides for a while, I simply messed up a crucial step. In fact while running around the stores I held off buying a number of things that I knew I didn't immediately need when more pressing supplies would be needed.

I did nearly get some pick up some plastic containers at the dollar store though, but I remembered my previous attempts to make holes in such things before which went horribly... Really need a blowtorch or something because every time I tried cutting out an entry hole I'd always get uncomfortable with how sharp the edges would turn out.