Good evening. Just a quick question. My male BCI is roughly 1.5 years old. Currently feeding him weaned rats around 40-50 grams every 2 weeks. I’m alittle concerned about his size though.
He looks real good. On the healthy side but he is only around 3-4 feet long and currently weighs around 610 grams. Is this an ok size for a boa this old? Like I said he doesn’t look skinny at all.
I always fed him one mouse every 7-10 days until I switched to rats back in November then I went every 14 days.
Also, at this size should I move him up to small rats now? I still have probably 2 more months of the weaned rats in the freezer but I want to do what’s right for him.
Again I know every snake is different. And he looks and acts very healthy. I never powerfed as I want him to be as healthy as what’s in my control. Thanks again.

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