So I got my blood python from a local reptile store who got them from a breeder around here that I know of and heard good things, when I got him they were feeding him live mice and from what I have gathered that is 2 no no’s. I fed him exactly a week ago I got him to take f/t first try I was very happy with that. Anyway, I decided ultimately for the future I want him on rats so I can sustain him better as he grows I picked up a small f/t rat pup and tryed to tong feed him which he did very well with the mouse, it seems like I got 2 attempts at a strike but I’m also not sure of that was just him being pissy lol. I just tried heating it up with a hair dryer and leaving it in his tank with him. My question is does anybody have any experience with switching them over? Maybe I am feeding him to soon again exactly a week later? I know pythons metabolic rate is much different than what I’m used to anyways thank o you in advance!