Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone!

I thought I'd throw a few questions out and maybe get some interesting conversations going.

For those of you who started small, like myself, with geckos, BPs, smaller turtles, etc etc. and moved onto larger snakes and other "large" reptiles, what did you find were some of the biggest challenges? What was the biggest adjustment that you had to make, and how, if at all, did it effect your care and feelings towards your smaller animals? On the flip side, was there anything about moving to larger reptiles that you found easier to deal with than the smaller guys?

For me I think the biggest change was just enclosure size. I still don't have anything bigger than a ball python, but going from a juvenile leopard gecko (he'll get an upgrade when he's a tad bigger) to something that is going to eventually go in a 4 foot by 2 foot enclosure was a big change, just because of space. I've had to be really picky about what I bring home just because as mentioned in my previous posts, the wife makes me contain my hobby to my office, and we don't have much room left.

I'd love to hear everyone else's thoughts and experiences as you progressed to larger, and in some cases more difficult to keep animals. I've seen several of you Morelia keepers say you wish you had started there instead of with smaller snakes, and I'd love to here why.