Recently purchased a hatchling from a breeder about a month ago, said breeder is in the southern part of the country and I’m in the far north, when he shipped I’m not sure if he checked where it was going or what and I feel stupid for not making it clear to him that it will be colder especially over night up by me.. anyways when my girl arrived at FedEx where I picked her up, the box had no heating Pad and minimal insulation, and of course the snake was very cold itself, I warmed her up slowly on the drive back with car and body heating, got her in her new enclosure and she has had 3 meals with me, and one shed. But just today I’ve noticed some wheezing and popping sounds coming from her and I’m worried. Not sure if her being shipped cold could’ve knocked down her immune system or if Something else caused it?. My husbandry is pretty dialed in, hot spot is at 91, cool side around 83.5 rn (just checked and these temps haven’t varied much more than a degree or so since she’s been in) humidity around 65, just keeping her on paper towel currently. I live far away from any sort of vet much less an exotic one, just wondering if anyone else has delt with a similar situation or has any tips on helping her get better, this just started within the last few days and I’m praying it doesn’t get worse. Looking into home remedies for early signs of RTIs but any advice helps.