I have a problem... I've had this ball python for a few months now, and I switched him to frozen/thawed a large (or maybe medium large)rat every two weeks... He was getting tiny live mice before I got him. I'm trying to clean his enclosure right now. I'll be honest that it's a little overdue to be cleaned because of stuff that's been going on, and it got put off a few days... But he is acting aggressive like he is hungry and comes after me while I'm trying to clean the enclosure. I originally got him for my 11 year old daughter... And I didn't think that I would be afraid to handle him because I was told he wasn't aggressive as long as he was fed, by the previous owner... But we haven't handled him too much out of fear because of this behavior... and I'm just sitting here not knowing what to do with only half of the paper towels removed on one side of the enclosure, and his hide removed while he looks at me like I'm a snack! I just fed him last week and have had him on a biweekly feeding schedule which he had to get used to, after eating live mice weekly. We have handled him before. He is not always like this... But when he is I'm afraid to even clean his enclosure out, but I've never been stuck with having it half done and then not knowing what to do now because I'm afraid to open the door to the enclosure to finish it!! His water bowl really needs clean and everything since he got feces in it. He is in a big commercial enclosure made of PVC by the way(with 2 long front doors made of plexiglass), not an aquarium/terrarium type enclosure. I feel stuck right now! I seriously need advice! My cats like to mess with him too but I have to get a utility shelf and make room in another room to move him to before I can solve that problem... I don't know if he is more defensive because of them? Just please help. I don't know what the exact problem is!