I've decided to go ahead and setup a small tub. My primary motivation is to have a temporary enclosure ready in case I see a baby boa that I want this summer, before my AP arrives and is setup properly. I'm also calculating that it wouldn't be wasted as it could be used both as a quarantine enclosure in the future and as a temporary enclosure while I do deep cleans on the larger AP.

The intent is not for this to go into a rack system and would not be kept in a 80 degree reptile room. Focusing primarily on temps, would the best approach be to use a UTH and a heat mat thermostat? Would this be sufficient for temps in a house with roughly ~75 temps (73 winter / 78 summer)? If not, then what else do you do for heat in a tub that isn't in a rack system?

I haven't completely narrowed down my list, but I'm strongly considering a BCA (or other "small" locality) and a true BCC male [or perhaps a pair of either as I have 2 APs on the way, but no intent to breed anything now]. Based upon what I've read in other posts, something like a 32 qt with latches and additional clips looks like the way to go with this. I think I have my list for substrate, hides, water dish, and temp/humidity gauge so I'm good there for now. Thanks again for the advice I've already gotten in other threads. If there's another post with this information already, then I'm more than happy to read though a link.