
My wife and I got 2 bps between us and we've been dealing with a bit of a weird issue lately (at least weird for us). About 2 months ago we noticed some wound-like or rot-like spots on both of them, 2-3 each. One even had an issue around its cloaca and even ended up losing one of its spurs. That time we've pulled out basically everything from the enclosures, did a deep clean and put them on paper towel for a few weeks and treated them with betadine baths. That cleaned up both of their issues and they were back to normal after a shed.

Initially I thought that the our substrate might have been the issue, but now it's back and now they're on coconut fiber which we've used before without issue. What I'm thinking right now is it might be a bacterial scale-rot caused by a bit too much humidity (65-70% instead of 55-60%, definitely my bad), but I would really like some confirmation or other ideas as well. To add a bit complexity I also did notice one small bug on one of the snakes that looked like a mite, but yellowish-brown instead of black, but it was only the one, haven't found any other, so I'm assuming it was something else.

Currently we're starting the same procedure that we did last time, hopefully it'll work again, but of course I'd like to avoid this happening again. At least they're pretty chill about it, no change in behavior, both just ate a few days ago.

So if anyone has seen a similar issue, I'd definitely appreciate some help.
