
I have a spider ball python (around 3 years old) who is currently having some issues. I just got back from my college (8 hour drive from my home) and my parents have been taking care of my snakes. I'm unsure of when this began happening. All I know if that I noticed it today during feeding. My ball python has multiple (presumably scabs) or horribly dry, lumpy scales around his spine. These don't show up on the bottom or the sides. He's always been a petite snake but he seems skinnier than usual. I don't have a gram scale so I cannot weigh him, but he doesn't seem as plump as he usually is. Along with this, he has a gross, scabby cast over one of his eyes. I'm unsure if it's from multiple stuck sheds or an eye infection. He moved around quite a bit when I took him out but refuses to eat. I've only tried today; but even when he's shedding he usually eats. At first, however, he seemed interested. He pointed his nose towards the mouse and inched closer to it but retracted when it sniffed him. (He's live fed).

I don't know how this could've happened because I wasn't there when it began. He had the average half-cylindrical logs for hiding in; nothing that would tear apart his scales. Right now he has stuck shed, which isn't usual for him but it has happened so I wasn't worried initially when I saw him. Upon closer inspection, though, I saw all the red scabs.

Here's pictures. Notice the white spacing on the back. Those aren't normal and I believe they're the scales separating around that area:

Any ideas of what this could be? An appointment has been set up with a general vet tomorrow at 9:30 AM CT but I don't know how helpful they'll be since exotic animals aren't all too common; especially snakes. I need a better understanding of this in order to help him, if I'm able to.

Thanks in advance.