So, it's my first summer in my new home and of course a new location (same town). I've noticed pretty much since summer started that Crowley has been getting little bugs in his water dishes. I keep his enclosure clean, his java perches and bamboo are all clean and stay dry. I have reptile carpet as bedding so it can't be coming from the substrate. I have not seen these bugs anywhere else in the house, only in Crowley's water bowls. Is this something I should be worried about or is this just normal bugs going and drowning themselves in Crowley's water for the summer? I change his water every 2nd day, I'd change it daily but I use well water which I have to go to my parents place to get and don't want to bother them too much, my parrot and I also drink that water. City water here is just gross and well water is much better than store bought spring water and it's also free. The bugs I find are always dead/drowned and I assume they come in from the screen on top the enclosure as the bugs are small enough to fit there. I keep the humidity at 55% or 70% while Crowley is shedding. Here are a few pictures of the bug I found this morning.

Here it is without the zoom so you can see how small it is, this happened to be the biggest one I've found so far.

Here it is with zoom so you can maybe tell what kind of bug it is.