Hello, all! I'm curious as to how you guys find good breeders to buy your snakes from. I currently have one ball python, who I bought from a chain pet store when I was in middle school. I'm interested in eventually getting more snakes, including different kinds of snakes. But now I know a lot more about chain pet stores and how bad they can be.

The problem is, I live in a very rural area. There are never any reptile shows within reasonable distance from me, and I've never heard about any local breeders, though I'm sure they must exist. When I use Google to search for snakes I only find the very very large breeders or websites like Morph Market, which I'm not really sure I trust completely. I'd really like a slightly more personal interaction than I could get from the big name breeders, but I just don't know how to find them.

So how do you find reputable breeders? Do you trust things like Morph Market? Do you just use big name breeders? Thank you!