So I have this male Axanthic that won't feed F/T, I have tried OVER & OVER again using the Hairdryer method I typically blast until I get a read of 120 on the temp gun then grab and try and wiggle a bit. But I am getting nothing.

The BP(Umbra) Continues to just move past the rodent and go towards my hand, there is no striking or anything just tongue flicking and moving every other snake(BP) on the rack enjoys that same husbandry and are champ eaters. None have missed a meal since I acquired them except this one(I should also mention everyone else has had near perfect sheds including the aforementioned picky eater). I am only now posting because he is getting a bit thin I acquired him at about 74g(barely a hatchling according to the picture chart everyone loves to share for feeding lol. He receives the same rodents as everyone else except my two larger BPs get the weanlings because of the size difference. I did call the breeder to make sure he ate for him and he stated he ate live as he was in the process of switching them over. He also mentioned that if I had any other problems to go ahead and call him again and he would try and help as much as he can(Pretty nice guy since I waited 3 weeks after purchase)

The rodents don't seem to be much of a problem quality wise.

So far I have noticed that when he gets too close to the rodent(When it is dangling he is almost afraid of it. or the Feeding tongs. Yet he will show ZERO interest if placed in the enclosure and left alone.

His tub is large enough for two Pangea hides that he fits in nice a snugly along with his water bowl and then some room to roam at nights, Speaking of which he only roams when the sunlight in the room dims enough (Around 4-6pm) Which is about dusk here now. Once it gets later in the night he settles down.
If I am correct on this that should be the "I am Hungry." roam. but he won't eat!

I fed him a couple live rodents when I first received him to get his weight up. Which got to about 134g from 74g, he is now 133g and is now a bit longer and has a "slim" look to him.

Is this just the normal male being off feed with females nearby(Of which there are a couple(Two confirmed one assumed needs probing.) I am worried now because of the single gram lost combined with the fact its been almost 3 weeks no food and he is so young I don't think he would be affected by mating instincts(PLEASE tell me I am wrong.)

Of course, I could just be the next super over worried ball python parent. but this is the second 3 week strike in a row the last time he took an F/T I thought I had victory apparently I did not know my enemy enough. hehe.