Hello, I'm new here. I'm not sure this is the best place for this post as I've never used a forum before but here it goes.

The internet has been very lacking with this information so I hope someone here is experienced.

I recently got a sunbeam snake at my local reptile expo. As soon as I got her, I noticed that she had some slight scale rot (I believe) on her chin.

I decided to keep her on aspen with a humidity box in her bin to hopefully prevent further scale rot from spreading, and she seemed to like the aspen alot, she dug down in it and didnt really move. About a week later, she shed and almost all of the scale rot came off, with only a tiny speck still staying.

While reading on the internet I noticed quite a few people saying that sunbeams are extremley fragile and drying them out will kill them! This terrified me, so I put her back on moist eco earth/cypress.

It's about 3 days later now and there are at least 3 spots of scale rot on her now!

I'm afraid to change her back to Aspen for fear of killing her or stressing her out even more. But she seems anxious on the eco earth, as she is always moving around, and the high humidity obviously is causing the scale rot to spread.

I've been giving her baths in chlorahexodine every few days, but I've also read that handling them is very stressful for them. 😔 is this something that a vet is needed for?